Welcome TEAS 7 Prep Highline College
Welcome to the Highline College Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) version 7 preparation home page.
[Update 1/2024] Highline HEET students that are looking for the Tutor Schedule it can be Found Here
[2/15/2024] Panopto Videos should be working again. For users not logged onto Canvas use the links above each embedded video to go directly to the video as the embed feature seems to not be working properly if not logged in. Students also identified some typos and incorrect answer coding for open reading exam 1 questions # 13,17,23,35,39 and they have been fixed!.
[11/1/2024] Fixed a few broken links. Updated TEAS admission score section to reflect the fact that Highline College no longer requires the TEAS test for their college nursing program.
Below is a quick video on how to navigate the course:
(Note for Panopto videos if you click on the up arrow at the bottom of the screen, it brings up a table of contents so you can skip to sections you are interested in. Also, hit the "CC" button if audio is too quiet to turn on captions.)
Use THIS LINK Links to an external site. if video fails to auto play.
Quick video tour of the course page. Use THIS LINK Links to an external site. if video fails to auto play.
Below are some quick links to help you navigate this Canvas site. You may also use the Canvas navigation bar to access the same material.
Quick links
General Information
Information about TEAS 7 This module explains what the TEAS 7 test is, gives break down of the scoring, as well as how the content and sub-contents are labeled for this test.
Full Length Practice Exams
Practice English and Language Usage
These practice exams are designed to follow the time limit/ number and type of questions as closely as possible.
A quick note about randomization on the TEAS test
Across the 4 subjects ATI has approximately 60 concepts they test for spread across 12 sub-content categories. How many questions the test will ask from each of the 12 Sub-content areas are fixed, but there is no guarantee that the student will encounter all 60 concepts over the course of the 170 question test. For our practice exam every concept shows up at least one time, however on the actual exam by chance alone some concepts can show up multiple times, and some can show up none. For more information read TEAS test breakdown, sub-contents and concepts .
For example students are guaranteed that there are 18 scored items from the human anatomy sub-content. The human anatomy sub-content is further divided into 12 body systems and each one is assigned a concept category (S1.1 thru S1.12). It is entirely possible during the course of an exam a student will get 3 questions about the endocrine system (concept S1.9) and 0 questions about the Integument system (concept S1.8). As there is no way of knowing how the question randomization will play out students should enter the test being prepared for all the sub-contents, but not be surprised if certain question types never show.
Practice Exam Score Breakdown Calculator
Calculating Score Breakdown on Practice Exams
This module contains an Excel sheet and tutorial on how to calculate your sub-content and concept score from TEAS practice exams completed from this Canvas course.
Additional Information/ Resources
Additional Information/ Resources