Week 3: Artistic Principles - writing & creating art
- Due Jul 17, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- Available Jun 27, 2022 at 12am - Aug 17, 2022 at 11:59pm
You will complete both of the prompts below, one written and one creating art. Through writing about and creating art based on the prompts, you will:
- Demonstrate your understanding of the information in this module by using the concepts and definitions correctly.
- Demonstrate critical thinking by analyzing, conceptualizing, synthesizing, and communicating the concepts in this module through both writing and creating art.
You are to complete both of the prompts listed below.
Prompt 1 - Writing
- Answer all of the questions under the prompt.
- Meet the writing specifications:
- 1.5 line spacing
- 12 point font
Writing Prompt: Compare and Contrast
Using the External Links as resources, choose two works of art from two different cultures. They can be two or three-dimensional, or one of each. Compare and contrast the two works, using the artistic principles you’ve learned about in this module.
For example:
Include images of both artworks in your document.
- How do the compositions compare to each other?
- How are they similar?
- How are they different?
- What are the artistic principles being used in each (repetition, rhythm, scale, differences in visual balance, etc.)? You can refer to the subject matter in each work, but focus on objective comparisons.
Prompt 2 - Creating Art
- Meet the specifications under the Creating Art prompt
- Create a piece of art based on your dream
- Written statement how you used the concepts in this module to create your art
Creating Art Prompt: Dream
Think about what you dreamed of last night OR what you have been daydreaming about. You are creating a piece of art based on your dream and writing about how you used the concepts in this module to create your art.
- Translate your dream into a piece of art using the principles covered in this module: visual balance, repetition, scale & proportion, emphasis, time & motion, and unity.
Write an artist statement about how you used these principles in your art, include:
- A title for your art that incapsulates the general theme of your dream
- Write just a sentence or two how you used the following concepts in your art: visual balance, repetition, scale & proportion, emphasis, time & motion, and unity
Reminder: To create a piece of art you will have to do multiple iterations before you create something you are proud of, give yourself time to experiment! Use the materials you have around your home that you can make marks with: pencils, pens, lipstick, sewing thread (you can sew paper), rip newspapers to collage, use coffee to tint and stain paper or cloth, melt wax, use masking tape as a collage element. What else can you find around your home to make marks with and create shapes with?
You will receive all 50 points by meeting the specifications and the deadline.
- 20 points for the Written prompt
- 30 points for the Creating Art prompt, including written statement
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
Writing Prompt from WK 4:
Compare and Contrast two pieces of art based on: visual balance, repetition, scale & proportion, emphasis, time & motion, and unity
Writing: Critical Thinking and Understanding Concepts and Definitions
Creating Art: Critical Thinking, Analysis, understanding Concepts and Definitions to create a artwork based on your dream: visual balance, repetition, scale & proportion, emphasis, time & motion, and unity, and the principles covered in this module
Writing About Your Art: Include a title for your art that incapsulates the general theme of your dream.
Write a sentence or two how you used the following concepts in your art: visual balance, repetition, scale & proportion, emphasis, time & motion, and unity
Total Points:
out of 50