Highline College Resources for Students - Summer/Fall 2022

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Academic Success Centers

Tutoring Center

The Tutoring Center provides academic support to all Highline students in subjects such as chemistry, biology, business, computer science, psychology, world languages, and more. Tutoring appointments can be scheduled for 30 minutes at a time and are conducted in-person or through Zoom.

Math Resource Center

The Math Resource Center provides academic support for most math levels so you can gain a better understanding of the mathematical ideas in your classes. Math tutoring appointments can be scheduled for 30 minutes at a time and are conducted in-person or through Zoom.

Public Speaking Center

The Public Speaking Center provides one-on-one help with reduction of speech anxiety, preparation, delivery, organization, outlining, practicing and videotaping speeches, mock interviews for all classes and activities that require individual or group presentations. Appointments can be scheduled for 30 minutes at a time.

Writing Center

Peer Writing Consultants, successful students who receive training and certification, are available to help you understand assignments, brainstorm for ideas, and learn to develop, focus, organize, and edit your writing. Writing tutoring appointments can be scheduled for 25 minutes or 50 minutes at a time and are conducted in-person or through Zoom.

Access Services

Your experience in this class is important. If you have already established accommodations with Access Services, please communicate your approved accommodations to your instructor at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.

If you have not yet established services through Access Services, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), you are welcome to contact Access Services.

Advising, Transfer, and Career Services

Advising and Transfer helps students plan their first 30 credits and get connected with resources and services across campus. If you are pursuing a 4-year degree or transferring to another college, advisors help prepare you for a successful transition. Career Services provides opportunities for on campus student employment, internships and exploring future careers.

Benefits Hub: Housing, Food, and Emergency Funding

If you need support for housing, ORCA Lift, food, or emergency funding for bills or course materials, Highline’s Support Center has resources for you! Schedule an appointment with a Benefits Hub Coach to see what you may qualify for, or visit us in Building 2. See the web site for additional information about the wide range of available services.

Computer/Technical Support

For technical support on Canvas, your MyHighline email and password, or other tools, contact the IT Help Desk or click “Help” in the bottom left corner of the Canvas screen.

Counseling Center

If you are feeling stressed about college, your future, a relationship, an addiction, or the adjustment to a new culture, Highline’s Counseling Center is here to support you. Trained and licensed counselors can help you work through stressful personal and academic issues.


The library can answer questions about finding research, evaluating information, creating citations (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian), avoiding plagiarism, and much more. 

We offer one-on-one assistance. Want to get more personalized expert help with a research assignment? We offer virtual student research consultations via Zoom.

Building and online reference help (June 26 - August 26)

Contact information

Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct

The Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct (OCSSC) is here to support students in having integrity and care with all their endeavors at Highline. Students are expected to know their Rights and Responsibilities, uphold the Student Conduct Code, and care for fellow students who may be struggling.

OCSSC will:

  • Consult on learning more about Academic Integrity and the conduct process
  • Provide learning opportunities for student success and care
  • Hold 1-on-1 meetings to create success plans for students

Contact information:

Student Housing & Retention Services

Highline’s Support Center provides support for students who are facing housing barriers by connecting them to resources on and off campus. Your Student Housing & Retention (SHoRe) Support Specialist will connect you to a network of housing resources and support services to remain in your home, or to secure temporary or permanent housing while in school. Section 8 Vouchers may be available for students experiencing homelessness through our WISH housing program as well with King County Housing Authority. You're invited to contact SHoRe and WISH Specialist, Saido, for more information.