Enroll in a Payment Plan (Student Homepage)


Enroll in a Payment Plan

This topic will give you a basic understanding of how to sign up for a Nelnet Payment Plan. At the end of this topic, you will be able to:

      • Enroll in a Payment Plan
Once you select the Financial Accounts tile, expand the Payment Plans menu on the left-hand side. Then select Nelnet Payment Plan. 
Image of Nelnet Payment Plan Page
Once the payment plan page displays, students will see a list of charges owed.  To enroll in the Payment Plan select the Nelnet button.   
If Nelnet enrollment has been previously completed, students can skip the Nelnet Enrollment Page section below and go to the Set Up a Payment Plan section to begin a payment plan.

Nelnet Enrollment Page

Selecting the Nelnet button will open the Nelnet enrollment page.  Students will fill out the Nelnet create account page to set up their Nelnet account.  




Student will select two Authentication Questions/Answers to help secure their account and then select Save




Student will create a 4-Digit PIN for telephone security and then select Ok



Set Up a Payment Plan

After a student has created their Nelnet account, they will need to complete the steps to set up the payment plan.  Payment plans are term specific and students will need to complete the set up process each term they have new charges.  Select the Set Up a Payment Plan button on the Nelnet page and follow all of the required Nelnet steps.



If someone other than the student will be making the payments, select the "Want to designate another payer" link on the welcome page. 
