Academic Advisement Report -AAR (Student Homepage)
Review Your Academic Progress
This topic will give you a basic understanding of how to review your academic progress in your Student Homepage. At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
- Review your Academic Progress
- View Unsigned Courses and Assign them in your Planner
Reviewing your Academic Progress is helpful in understanding where you are at in your program and what you still need to take. This will also show you where your transfer credits have applied to your academic requirements for your program completion.
Select the Academic Progress tile on your Student Homepage to display the Academic Progress Summary page.

Confirm your academic career and Institution in the top left corner. Select the Change button to choose another Institution.
If you selected to change the career or institution, the academic progress summary will refresh.
Select the Academic Progress section on the left side menu to display the Academic Progress page.
Select the first line which is the description of the degree or certificate (for example the Associate in Arts Direct Transfer Agreement) to open the degree description section.
Select the Academic Progress section to return to the Academic Progress page.
Select a Requirement, such as Communications Skills, Humanities, Social Skills, etc. Once you select a Requirement, it will open the Requirement description.
Select the Academic Progress section to return to the Academic Progress page.
Select a Course Section, such as ENGL& 101, MATH& 107, etc. This will open a list of courses that meet the requirement. Then select one of the courses from the list.

Select the View Classes button to display available class sections for the course.
Select the Course Details button to be returned to the Course Details page.

Select the Add to Planner button.
Note: A message appears on the page that states 'This course is in your planner under Unassigned Term.'

Select the Go to Planner link on the bottom left to display your Planner.

Select the Unassigned Courses section to see the course the you added. Then select the Planner link at the top left of the page to returned to the Planner page.

Select the Academic Progress link at the top left of the page to be returned to the Course Detail page.

Select the Requirement Details link at the top left of the page to be returned to the Requirement Details page.

Select the Academic Progress menu button.

Select the View Report as PDF button.
Note: The pdf will open as a popup, or appear in the download section of your browser depending on which browser you are using.

Below is a sample PDF of an Academic Progress Report:

Remember to click the "Mark as Done" box in the upper right hand corner of this page prior to clicking NEXT.