Choosing an Article Exercise
- Due No due date
- Points 4
- Questions 4
- Time Limit None
For this exercise, use the keywords you came up with when completing the Identifying Keywords and Search Terms Exercise earlier in this module. See Question 3 in that exercise to review your keywords.
Next, do the same search using those keywords in both One Search and in one of the Highline College Library databases (pick a database that seems to fit with your topic).
Finally, compare the results and choose an article from each database.
Things to consider:
- Explore each database by doing a few practice searches in each. Use the searches you developed in the last exercise and compare the number and quality of the results you find. Are they relevant or not?
- Click the different search limiter options like full text and limit by date, add keywords, limit by source type, and others. Notice what happens to your search results when you use each limiter.
- Compare the two databases and notice how they are the same and how they are different. You might want to have both databases open at the same time while trying the same search terms and limiters in each.
- Answer the questions in this exercise about what you found in each database.